Sunday, April 06, 2008

The New Rich in China

Did you guys see the "I Hate Sarah Marshall" ads? They're everywhere and I couldn't help but to peek the website. It's a real blogspot blog! With that said, I'm here typing in my blog because Apatow made it cool again!

My first entry is on the development of China from rags to riches and the overally tacky. China's always had a thing for whitestheitcs since Yuan Ming Yuan, the Euro baroque architecture monster in Beijing. The British and French once said, "Yo China is ripp'n our steeze, we gotta take back what our momma gave us." Bombs were dropped and Yuan Ming Yuan soon perished in the fire.

Now there's a new wave of rich Chinese and their over the top whitesthetically pleasing scenic mansions. Take a look at these photos taken from Julia Calfee's website. Unfortunately, the taste is rather tacky. It's like winning the lottery and going insanely Liberace.

This is how Yuan Ming Yuan looks like now. I've seen it with my own eyes, the craftmanship is super detailed - hybrid euro and chinese awesomo powa! And that is why why white men should have half chinese (or Asian) babies, but that is another story... Anyone who visits Beijing should visit The YMY.

Bootleg YMYs, chinese style.

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