Skatebaord P? How about Skateboard P.
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Went out for lunch with David. It may be sunny, but shit's frozen!
Next time, I'll have enough money to get a Duck Shepard's Pie from Balthazar. How about it, Nibor?
I see the same lady bum everyday at the spot under he scaffolds at the cross section between Mercer and Spring in Soho. She's a classy bum with all her suitcases lined up. She even changes outfits sometimes. She is definitely a bum of great status. So after work today, I passed by her scaffold only to see her lying in this makeshift cardboard kingsize cradle-like bed with all kinda of different blankets that she probably collected. It looked really snug, but dirty, of course. She even had a bum boyfriend by her side. Haha Those 2 are gonna get it on tonight fo sho. Really, you gotta see the bed! It's definitely fuckable with all 4 cardboard sides up against the poles that made up the scaffold, makes great covering. You can't see em lying in there if you were in a car unless if you're in something tall like a van or a truck. I would've documented such extraordinary cardboard creation, but the lady bum sees me everyday, so taking photos is not a good idea.