Sunday, December 03, 2006

Blip Festival 2006

So many interracial cauASIAn couples, so many indie nerds, so many dreadlock ravers, so many Asian hipsters. This concludes the last night of the Blip Festival.

the instruments

2 trendy lookin jap kids playing that keyboad and gameboy like electric guitars

If video doesn't work, it's still processing. Why I'm at Blip Festival... for YMCK

Kawaii ne??????

Jordan and Odessa like YMCK too.

My Nibor.


Anonymous said...

oh my god that looked fucking amazing!
i'm literally smiling cheek to cheek!

they will never come here -_-

and the big pixels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

King Koopa said...

oh man, nothin better then a liveset of chiptunes. i've seen some crazy shit.