Sunday, November 12, 2006

The Lust Crib

Got home at 4 AM from the Lust Crib. Man Max is way fun, miss him and Justin so much. Also got to see high school friend, Steve. :)

Max is my art history teacher. He's describing the anus that's painted in this particular contemporary piece.

Original hand drawn Dalek that I wish I had.

Original Obey.

More Art.

Hall way covered with art.

Max's sexy cat.

Oh those two...

MARIO DDR!!!!!!!!!!

Eating Doritos and drinking beer while DDRing.

Awkward haha.

Lau, Lust, Lu, and... Shore?


Jen said...

He has 3. Wuzzupppp Jerry or maybe this is your girl.

XO said...

yo, nice art gallery there.

can i post the pic of you DDRing wit black hair? hehe.

Jen said...

HAHA ummm maybe.